
Apr 16, 2024: My paper “Channel Randomisation Methods for Zero-Shot Communication” has been accepted to the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). I look forward to presenting this work in October in Santiago de Compostela, Spain!

May 9, 2024: I have been accepted to attend the Cooperative AI Summer School 2024, in Santa Cruz, CA, August 2024!

May 5, 2023: My paper “Mimicry and the Emergence of Cooperative Communication” has been accepted to the 2024 Conference on Artificial Life for an oral presentation and publication in the proceedings. The conference will be hosted at Copenhagen ITU. I look foward to presenting my research and meeting alifer friends :)

Apr 16, 2024: My paper “Learning Translations: Emergent Communication Pretraining for Cooperative Language Acquisition” has been accepted to the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). I look forward to presenting this work in August in Jeju, South Korea!

Dec 12, 2023: Alongside Nandi Schoots and Murray Shanahan, I supervised Ole Jorgenson for his Masters project at Imperial College London. We continued the project and turned it into a workshop paper that has been accepted to the Human-Centric Representation Learning Workshop (HCRL) at AAAI-24, and the AAAI-24 Responsible Language Modeling (ReLM) workshop. Come check out the results in Language Model activation steering. Update (02/24): We won the Best Paper Award at HCRL!

Dec 11, 2023: My paper “Learning Translations: Emergent Communication Pretraining for Cooperative Language Acquisition” has been accepted to Ad Hoc Teamwork Workshop at AAAI-24. I’ll be in Vancouver at end of Feb 2024.

Aug 20, 2023: I presented my work with Justin Svegliato and Stuart Russell, “Learning to Plan with Tree Search via Deep RL” at the Bridging the Gap Between AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL @ IJCAI 2023) Workshop at IJCAI 2023!

June 6th, 2023: I will be at the CHAI Workshop on the 17th of June, 2023, presenting a poster on my work on applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Tree Search, done in collaboration with Justin Svegliato and Stuart Russell.

May 5, 2023: My paper “Real-time Evolution of Multicellularity with Artificial Gene Regulation” has been accepted to the 2023 Conference on Artificial Life for an oral presentation and publication in the proceedings. The conference will be hosted at Hokkaido University on July 24th to July 28th, 2023.

May 4, 2023: Nandi Schoots presented our paper “Low-Entropy Latent Variables Harm Out-of-Distribution Performance” at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Domain Generalization Workshop.

September 22, 2022: I am helping a group of fellow London-based PhD students to organise the Safe and Trustworthy AI Workshop on the 2nd of November, 2022, aimed at bringing together early-career researchers. Submit abstracts by the 28/09/2022.

April 13, 2022: I am excited to announce that I will be joining Stuart Russell’s group the Center for Human Compatible AI at U.C. Berkeley this summer for a four month internship! I will be working with Justin Svegliato on a project in “AI metareasoning”.

April 7, 2022: I have won a “Best Reviewer Award” for my work reviewing papers for EmeCom@ICLR22! Thank you to the organisers for this recognition, and the gift of Fuji Sencha tea :)

April 1, 2022: My paper “Joining the Conversation: Towards Language Acquisition for Ad Hoc Team Play” written with my PhD supervisor Peter McBurney has been accepted to the the Emergent Communication Workshop at the International Conference on Learning Representations (EmeCom@ICLR22). I will lead a discussion group on the topic of the paper at the workshop.

July 22, 2021: My team has won the Safe and Trusted AI Hackathon! We analysed stop-and-search data from the London metropolitan police in terms of disproportionality of stops for minority groups.

March 27, 2021: My paper “A Measure of Explanatory Effectiveness” written with my PhD supervisor Peter McBurney has been accepted to the 1st International Workshop on Trusted Automated Decision-Making. I gave a talk at the workshop on the paper.

Dec 31, 2020: My paper “Learning to Communicate with Strangers via Channel Randomisation Methods” written with Nandi Schoots was accepted to the Emergent Communication Workshop at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (EmeCom@NeurIPS2020). You can find the source code on my GitHub.